The Double

Along with bands such as The Unicorns or Liars, The Double combine several experimental aspects of noise and chaotic synths, with songs that still

Matthew Friedberger

Though he has a rather serious look on his face in the above photo, Matthew Friedberger‘s music has some of the most fun and

Introducing… Sparks

I can’t think of many bands who still make good music after almost forty years. I am generally not referring to solo artists though,


This week has been lacking of any exciting music news, so this isn’t much. All I can say though, is that I am ashamed

Luke Haines

I posted a bit about The Auteurs a month ago, so I thought I’d share some songs from frontman Luke Haines‘ solo career. I’m


The Arcade Fire have finally posted some news regarding their yet untitled new album. Win Butler has informed the massive fanbase on their official


This is my last full Monday of the school year, since my school (in the odd state of New Jersey) gets out next Wednesday.