Parental Guidance for Big Fresh

Are eccentric artistic tendencies hereditary? Like eye color or facial characteristics, I would not be surprised if they were, mainly because I have witnessed

Hiroshi Kono’s Mar Project

To successfully imitate a foreign musical tradition, there must be a regard for both the cultural relevance and stylistic composition of the music. I

The Careless Turns of Klum

Urban legends and Hollywood productions certainly have a hand in molding the common perception of being in a band. Want a bowl of M&Ms

Armen Firman

If there is one genre that has been weakened by this decade’s demand for simplicity in popular music, alternative-rock likely takes the cake. There

God Help the Girl

Belle & Sebastian have always been one of the finest examples of how simplicity and intricacy are not exclusive entities in music. The Glasgow-based


Psychedelia is rarely looked upon as the most intricate or respectable of genres. Throw in a little reverb here, add some overlapping vocal melodies

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