Thunder Power

Some acts still fail to sound cohesive after years and years of working together, but others can craft such a dedicated sound that it


I hate to say it, but between recently featured acts like Loquat and Faded Paper Figures, it almost seems like I am covering too

Department of Eagles

A good majority of people have, at one point in their lives, been forced to live with someone who does not exactly coincide with

The New Up

Though it may erroneously come off as insulting, some groups are better suited at releasing a handful of EPs consecutively instead of churning out

A Black Gold Rush

Making a career as a touring musician who plays on and off for a variety of talented artists can be great. Apart from making

Todd Goldstein’s Arms

There are only a handful of songwriters who can make the genuine transition from somber melancholy to irrepressible rage with success. It is an

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