For musicians who specialize in an electronic element, a stylistic transition can prove to be more flexible than most. Much of this can be
When describing The Lady Vanishes, Andy DeLoach chooses a method that would make most travel magazines proud. Almost making his solo music project out
It is amazing what a simple change of scenery can do for some people. Many prefer the city, others find comfort in the suburbs,
Thanks in part to the stimulating effect that the collaboration of audible and visual content in art can occasionally grant a viewer, many music
Many bands take the time to inform their publicist of something that makes them truly unique; a half-fabricated story of origination perhaps, or maybe
It is a rare when a month does this, but I cannot recall a moment in April where I did not have something new
Most of those who grow up with a brother or sister within the same age range regard sibling rivalries as just another aspect of
When I wrote about the tactful Håkan Hellström earlier this week, the only nuisance that I found in regard to the Swede was the
The difference between music awards in North America and Europe often astounds me. Sure, a “Grammy Award” is universally synonymous with quality on each
While some people listen to music purely for the melodic features alone, there are others who value lyrical content just as importantly (or even