Rewind back to the mid 1990s. Though the previously bustling style of grunge was beginning to fade out, explosive alternative-rock was in full form.
Wyoming, the United States’ least populous state, has nearly twice the population of Iceland. Leave it to the art of music to give the
I have always held a fair amount of respect for artists who choose not to hide behind numerous barriers of noise. While I have
The king of British tabloids crafts an album that hopes to be the first step toward his highly publicized “comeback trail”.
Yeah, no Radiohead feature today. While I love the band and the new album to death, there is no point in covering something when
As I have said numerous times before, I try to keep my musical taste as expansive as possible. Whether it be in regard to
Wow. September flew by so quickly that I nearly forgot to post the monthly best-of compilation. I could easily blame it on the sudden
As unfortunate as it sounds, contemporary artists with a strong emphasis on classical instruments continue to be a dying breed. It is difficult to
I always wondered how the role of an irregular childhood can effect a musician. It seems nearly stereotypical for a talented artist to recollect
When a band wears that certain “experimental” tag proudly on their sleeves, it would be foolish to expect one consistent critical response. It is