Best Albums of 2006: #40 to #31

———————————————————————————————- 40. M. Ward – Post-War M. Ward’s Post-War is not very distinctive from his previous three albums, but in his case it’s nothing

Yunyu: Sweet & Scary

In Chinese, “yunyu” means “beautiful rhythms”. When the mother of Australian popstress Yunyu gave her that symbolic name, she must have had musical intentions

The Slip

As a diehard Yankees fan (yeah, shoot me), some of my friends have the assumption that I despise bands from Boston. That’s rubbish. While


Look on the bright side, we’re approximately halfway through the work week. Only two more days until Friday. So far this week, I’ve rediscovered


The Smashing Pumpkins are currently in the studio working on a new album with producer Roy Thomas Baker, who most recently produced The Darkness.

Jellyfish are fun.

For some bands, it was a shame that the early 90s were completely absorbed in the grunge movement. Jellyfish were one of them, as

Shugo Tokumaru

Who is Shugo Tokumaru? Many have never heard of him, though some know that the talented musician from Tokyo, Japan is a budding star.

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