Note: Thanks to weeone for the information: Chea Beckley remains the keyboardist in the group and Zeke Buck is no longer part of the
Code Pie are a self-professed band of geeks. Apart from the fact that several of the band’s members hold careers in the technology field,
Kris Anaya could have easily become the frontman for a generically incapable indie-rock band. He could have learned three chords, gathered a few friends
Anonymity is a concept that many artists revel in. While it applies primarily in the form of authors like Thomas Pynchon or J.D. Salinger,
Some bands just have to work harder than others to achieve success. It is a common fact that is based on luck, drive, and,
We can all appreciate a sense of humor when its central topic is the music industry. After all, with the best of humor often
When four men are huddled together in a room, deciding on what to call their new band, Nurses is probably the last name on
Parents can often assume their children’s identity, making assertive decisions concerning their child’s education, religion, and even artistic interests. Swati Sharma grew up with
Personality is a behavioral aspect that can often serve as an authoritative judge of character. Bubbling personalities often signify confidence, while those who seclude
The dentist. A source of pain, misery, and harsh realizations. Even though I have never had a cavity in my life, I still despise