Best Albums of 2008: #30 to #21

by Mike Mineo ———————————————————————————————– 30. Air France – No Way Down EP This feature may be called the “Top 50 Albums of 2008”, but

Best Albums of 2008: #50 to #41

by Mike Mineo ———————————————————————————————– 50. Hot Chip – Made in the Dark Before they earned a Grammy nod or topped the UK singles charts,

The British Columbians

Updates will resume on Monday. Have a great holiday weekend. Some groups form after coming together by traveling across the borders of states, countries,

Jonquil Whistles Low

The divergence of folk music has been a common observation among fans of independent music for the past decade or so. Whether one most

The Harpeth Trace

A prevalent veneration for the past can certainly be detrimental to an artist’s work if their techniques are either outdated or generic, but holding

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