I am Robot and Proud

In the midst of all the experimental methodical techniques found in contemporary electronic music, there is one ideology that tends to occasionally go overlooked:

Parallax Error Beheads Max Tundra

You would be hard-pressed to find a successful contemporary musician who disregards classical music entirely, as numerous components remain a steady influence on the


I hate to say it, but between recently featured acts like Loquat and Faded Paper Figures, it almost seems like I am covering too

Department of Eagles

A good majority of people have, at one point in their lives, been forced to live with someone who does not exactly coincide with

Faded Paper Figures

Side projects are an aspect of music that has gradually allowed artists to explore different scenarios, both in a stylistic and collaborative vein, without

The Black and White Years

For a band that has just recently broken out of the local eye, drawing comparisons to an artist who they idolize is often flattering.