UltraChorus Goes Ultra-Def

We are producers. We make music for you. This is what UltraChorus convey on their web site, almost sounding like they cater to artists

A Real Life Aficionado

To describe Aficionado as a sudden output of energy would probably the most accurate, as I doubt many bands possess the cumulative energy of

The Yes Pleases

Most of the time, this site features artists that are deemed “obscure” despite some recent buzz. An artist previously covered by a major publication

Le Loup’s Family Time

Any music fan can recognize the importance of collaboration in a finished product, regardless of whether they have the liner notes in front of

Adam Marsland Goes West

Listening or creating music can easily be labeled as a hobby, as it most commonly is. But for many musicians, its incorporation into one’s

Fool’s Gold

The media has an interesting way of molding stereotypes within the music industry, regardless of the feature’s innovation or commitment. If a style, song,

The XX

In one room sits a huddled group of professionals, ranging from for-pay songwriters to conniving promoters. Their eyes are all on a whiteboard that