Superfluous guitar solos and shoddy production are things that any attentive music fans despises. As fans, we tend to magnify our roles in the
As I currently sit on this return bus to DC within a horde of traffic, I cannot help but turn my focus toward the
Considering that the band received a plethora of well-deserved attention last year, my Radiohead coverage was minimal when compared to some other publications. I
I hope that everyone’s memorial day weekend went well. Like every year, it marked the beginning of summer for many people (mainly students like
If there is one form of art that has gone hand-in-hand with music over the past several decades, it would have to be film.
Created by ophthalmologist Adelbert Ames, Jr. in 1934, an “Ames room” is considered to be one of the most revered examples of an optical
When even the slightest mention of sampling is made, most people immediately make the assumption that the genre at hand is either electronica or
Super Nintendo and shoegaze. Many of those who are legally considered adults at this point will find those two words to be synonymous with
Ah, free albums. They are a pure thing of beauty. To listen to the material in its entirety you are not even forced to
I wonder how Matt Gagin would react to being called an accidental child prodigy. Prodigy, with delight – but accidental? Well, his story is