Zach Condon’s use of brass and keys can make much of his music seem like a blast from the past, particularly on organic efforts
...and it begins. The first ten albums are revealed. Check back the rest of the week to see the remaining forty albums.
Autumn nears and so do my qualms about winter. Needless to say, it always seems like the best music and film arrives during the
Zach Condon makes music that sounds bigger than it truly is. This fact is made apparent throughout The Rip Tide, Beirut’s first new LP
This is the first of a feature we hope to publish weekly on Fridays or Saturdays. In the midst of full-length features and reviews,
Soft Landing remain somewhat elusive, but the members’ experiences are never in question. Frontman Paul Collins is part of the traveling circus that is
It’s almost dark, and I am sitting in front of the fountain that decorates the Bearsville Theater in Woodstock, NY. Walking towards me is
Today, a venerable volcano of lo-fi indie pop/rock has been erupting from the New York scene (see Vivian Girls, Cymbals Eat Guitars, etc.). Sleigh