New Tracks

Killer Bee – “irl”

Based out of the New York/New Jersey area, 23-year-old hip-hop producer Killer Bee shows tribute to glistening old-school hip-hop on his new tape Otaku, “influenced by a variety of great hip hop

Candy Cigarettes – “MY 45”

“MY 45” is the debut single from multi-instrumentalist Lane Mueller, aka Candy Cigarettes. He dropped his debut full-length this past May, which is one of the more impressive introductions this year. The

New Albums

Fortress – ‘Chroma’ EP

A haunting electronic pop infectiousness shows throughout Chroma, the new EP from Antwerp-based trio Fortress. Satiating structural swells are apparent throughout, often


Erro – ‘Strawberry Moon’

Pittsburgh-based duo Erro craft a heartfelt, nostalgic rock appeal across their new album Strawberry Moon. ’60s and ’70s rock influences pair with
