New Tracks

Trouble in the Wind – “Fire Away”

“Fire Away” delivers a soaring beauty of a sound, with a western-y twang and alternative-folk fervor that reminds me fondly of Matthew Sweet and Camera Obscura. “I wanna love you strong like

Spine of Man – “Vampires”

Spine of Man is a power-pop trio from Copenhagen, Denmark, with multiple influences within the same realm showing between verse and chorus; while the verse resonates with the melancholic jangle-pop of The

Brand New Moon – “Icaro”

“Icaro”, from London trio Brand New Moon, pursues an invitingly exotic route from the get-go, with the sound of bird chirping leading into lush bossa nova-like rhythms and Steely Dan-inspired guitar stylings.

My Empire Of Sound – “Scandinavian Summer”

“Scandinavian Summer” was written by Scandinavian duo My Empire Of Sound in the Swedish highlands; the natural beauty of that setting has seeped into their music as well. Delicate pianos and vocals

Maison Hall – “You Dropped Your Keys”

As any great song is liable to do, “You Dropped Your Keys”, from Brisbane music collective Maison Hall, forces you to listen more than once to grasp everything that’s going on. And

Post Death Soundtrack – “You Can’t Go Back”

Certainly possessing an apt name, Canadian trip hop/psychedelic rock trio Post Death Soundtrack craft a consuming dark sound on new track “You Can’t Go Back”, which rides on creepy organ-synths, dramatic vocal

Bryson Green – “Some More”

Atlanta native Bryson Green crafts a whimiscal fairytale land of sorts on the twinkling “Some More”, where he repeatedly asks “do you want some more?” over fantasy-land bright synths, with the exuberant

New Albums

Zack Clarke – ‘Plunge’

A grippingly unique melding of jazz and electronica immerses on Plunge, the newest album from NYC-based artist Zack Clarke. “I feel there


Maya Shaw – ‘Unfocused Freedom’

Featuring poetic and heartfelt lyricism alongside stirring arrangements, Unfocused Freedom is the riveting debut album from Maya Shaw. An artful depiction of


Helen Yee – ‘Orchestrope’

Michigan-based artist Helen Yee shows a mesmerizing sound across the new album Orchestrope, a moving success from the violinist and composer. Ranging


Avantide – ‘Keep Running’

Keep Running is a gripping album from Avantide, a band based in Bismarck, North Dakota. Their melodic rock sound complements resonating thematic
