New Tracks

Colorful Mannings – “Sarah”

Colorful Mannings is the solo project of Yuichiro Kosen, a Tokyo-based producer/songwriter who is best known as the member of hip-hop/rock group The Beatmoss, whose second single “Superstar” saw considerable popularity and used

Dama Scout – “Forget It’s Good”

Dama Scout’s debut track “Forget It’s Good” begins invitingly, with a mellow guitar and serene vocals comprising the initial arsenal before comforting bass and percussion kick in around 00:35, helping exude a

Sonoride – “The Riddle Queen”

Based out of Stockholm, Sonoride is a trio led by songwriter and vocalist Tobbe Petersson. Combined with haunting trickling acoustics and a solemn lead, new track “The Riddle Queen” entrances from the

Bedroom Days – “Time Well Spent”

Bedroom Days is the project of Los Angeles-based singer/songwriter Matteo Russo, whose debut album It’s Gone; You’re Gone was recently released. The album’s first phase was written as stripped-down acoustic or piano

Von Sell – “Names”

Brooklyn-based David Von Sell has already generated a good degree of hype for his self-titled EP dropping tomorrow, with his just-released track “Names” drawing considerable praise. It’s easy to see why, as

von Konow – “Cosmic”

Finnish art-rocker Marko von Konow merges styles that may sound contradictory at first – like lush orchestral instrumentation and jagged beats – but his talent as a songwriter and producer helps these

Wild Leaves – “Fallen Robin”

“Fallen Robin” is the first single from Wild Leaves’ upcoming 10-track LP. It was recorded on a Tascam 388 and mastered by TW Walsh, with the style showing a twangy and psychedelic

DREAMS ETC – “In the Unknown”

DREAMS ETC did well in releasing their new track “In the Unknown” in October, as everything from the quivering vocals to the brooding bass and ghostly lingering synth exudes a vibe fitting

New Albums

Edie Yvonne – ‘Girl Code’ EP

Los Angeles-based artist Edie Yvonne impresses on her Girl Code EP, an engaging, dynamic showcase in quality songwriting and rock/pop aesthetical intertwining.
