“Casual Encounters” is a spirited rocker from The This, a new trio from Victoria, British Columbia. Originally beginning as the solo recording project of guitarist/vocalist Evan Matthiesen, as an endeavor between his
New Tracks
San Francisco-based singer/songwriter Mike Carnahan crafts music under the CarnyMusic name. Also the lead singer of western-psych band The Green Door, Carnahan has a new self-titled EP out under this solo project,
The strongly melodic “Separate Lives” is a thoroughly successful new track from Kent Odessa, the Brookyln-based artist who impressed with tracks like “Radar Gaze” and “Gender Studies” in the past. On “Separate
“X-Man-Y” is a soaring track from Pikes’ new EP of the same name, released through the Stockholm label “ART:ery” last Friday. Its first two minutes feature spacious vocal layers, with minimal instrumentation
The dreamy and hypnotic “Always” is the latest from Oracle Sisters, a project led by painter Lewis Lazar and mathematician Christopher Willatt. They have been creating music together since they were childhood
Headphone Hair, the project of Oakland-based Ian Walters, continues to have a very strong year. The release of “Say That You Want Me” marks another colorful and catchy indie-pop success for Walters,
Influenced by acts like FKA Twigs, Banks. and Lorde, Kohla is an emerging artist with a knack for striking vocals and consuming soundscapes, within an aesthetic in the realm of electronic alternative
Impressing last month with the track “Nonsense Mouth,” Ellen Warkentine premiered her surreal visual album of the same name yesterday, at an event held at Basic Flowers in downtown Los Angeles featuring
New Albums
Succeeding across both no-frills rock energy and folk-set introspection, Another Go is the second album from New York-based artist Steve Moss. Marking
MoreThe Rise is a gripping new album from COBRASPICE. Whereas the Virginia-based producer’s debut album dream embraced a diverse stylistic journey, The
MoreA spirited, heart-on-sleeve pop enthusiasm takes hold on Better Luck Next Time, the debut EP from Jake Marshall. Hook-friendly pop productions pair
MoreTrue to its name, World Over features music recorded across the seven continents. The immersive new EP from INTERCONTINEN7AL struts a grippingly