Red Balloons by mUmbo Intriguing with a dreamy mystique, “Red Balloons” is a recent single from Mumbo, the London-based project of guitarist Doug MacGowan, vocalist Emma Semple, and drummer Antonio Dale. Jangly
New Tracks
Kapow by Madame Psychosis A hooky rock immediacy lunges forward on “Kapow,” a fervent track from Toronto-based band Madame Psychosis. Catching our ears last month with the single “Concrete Streets,” the band
An infectious new-wave and power-pop composure emanates within “It’s not the first one that counts,” a new single from UK-based band Noise Factory United. Their second single offers a poignant introspection on
Building with gently melodic precision, “Blood Eyes” is a delicately unfolding single from Swansea-based duo Twin Pine. The atmospheric production is a standout from the duo, comprising vocalist Sam Gardner and guitarist/bassist
A melodic pop success from Los Angeles-based artist Edie Yvonne, “Queen Bee” bridges colorfully hooky appeal with a hypnotic, psych-touched soaring. The 14-year-old singer/songwriter wrote the track alongside a short film they’re
The latest track from New York-based artist Nick Marks dazzles with an array of sounds — from brisk, futuristic synth tones to warming brass and excitably funk-laden rhythms. The production marks another
Open Up to Me by Jenny XII Denver-based trio Jenny XII craft a hypnotic folk and rock cohesion on new single “Open Up to Me,” releasing ahead of their self-titled debut album
Featuring subdued acoustics that arise into a ghostly synth=laden glow, “HOUSE” is a chilling track that conveys the grief of loss, while also emphasizing the importance of “inviting people in.” The track
New Albums
German band Coma Beach enthrall with a stylish, impassioned rock sound throughout their new EP, Passion/Bliss. The release represents the third and
MoreA hazy, fuzzy rock appeal enamors throughout Bougainvillea, the new album from Darren Sullivan. Classic, garage, and grunge influences impart an engaging
MoreA radiant, emotive pop showcase from multi-instrumentalist Colseth, Stellar Illusions impresses with a dynamic tonal prowess across its 12 tracks. Glistening lushness
MoreAn ominous post-punk atmospheric prowess lingers throughout Automatic Writhing, the new album from Washington, D.C.-based project Zabus. Aptly, the darkly impactful soundscapes