New Tracks

MP3: OWK – “Shine”

Raleigh-based producer CGMUZIK handles the beats for OWK (James), an aspiring rapper from South Philly. The latter's location renders the samples on OWK's debut EP, SPTMBR, appropriate. Extracted from gems of Philly

MP3: The Last Names – “The Dirt”

Bishop Allen's EP project in 2006 found the Brooklyn-based group releaasing a new EP every month of the year. Usually quality is sacrificed for such frequency, but not on those EPs. The

Video: Ross Fish – “A349M”

“All you do is cry, especially at night,” Ross Fish sings solemnly on “A349M”. It’s the only lyric in the song, which rides on the strength of its gripping and ominous atmosphere and

MP3: Zach Schimpf – “Movin’ Right Along”

Zach Schimpf produces easy-flowing pop that ranges from the fleeting guitar-led rock of "Movin' Right Along" to the warm, synth-led twinkles of the more emotive "July". The St. Louis-based producer and songwriter

MP3: The Royal Tribesmen – “Me and Mr. Kong”

The joyously infectious "Mr and Mr. Kong" introduces us to The Royal Tribesmen, a new indie-pop group from Chicago. The track features streaks of distorted synth-bass reminiscent of The Flaming Lips, and

MP3: The Curious Incident – “Impostor”

As their name suggests, The Curious Incident’s twist on Latin alt-rock conjures up plenty of curiosity. Their eclectic stylistic approach is the result of several musical intellects within the band. Presently a

OS Video: Los Encantados

Here is the premiere of Obscure Sound’s new video feature. The first band featured is Los Encantados, a rising Brooklyn-based six-piece with a knack for throwback, summer-friendly rockers. They pack a breezy, nonchalant, hook-filled

MP3: Mr. Meeble – “Star Power”

Mr. Meeble's grimy electro-pop lends itself to late-night club music, but without the stale repetition that numbs party-goers. The range of emotion conveyed on the trio's new EP, Nostalgic for Now?, shows

New Albums

Twice Dark – ‘Telekinetic’

The fourth album from Twice Dark, Telekinetic touts a gripping blend of synth-pop, goth-rock, post-punk, and beyond. The Bloomington, Indiana-based project of


MERAK – ‘Vol (1)’ EP

A psychedelic rock sound with funky appeal enamors on Vol (1), the new EP from Indonesian trio MERAK. The Jakarta-based act take
