Swedish rockers The Amazing are favorable reminders of Jethro Tull, CSNY, and other prog-rock groups originating in the late '60s that balanced jam band
The tightly constructed garage-rock of Young Holidays reminds of early Wolf Parade material, when joyously sloppy guitars, flurries of playful keys, and frenetic percussion
The poppy "Knot in My Heart" is getting some positive early press, perhaps a sign of good things to come for The Zolas' sophomore
Life Size Maps are a rare find in their ability to juggle cinematic atmospheres with glittering pop infectiousness. Their murky vein of electro-rock is
Boy Friends Club pay homage to underground jangle-pop, as well as the bedroom variety in the vein of Ariel Pink, whose early releases are somewhat
This compilation made a six hour plane ride pass by quickly, which was helpful since I'm never able to sleep on planes. I feel
Raleigh-based producer CGMUZIK handles the beats for OWK (James), an aspiring rapper from South Philly. The latter's location renders the samples on OWK's debut
Bishop Allen's EP project in 2006 found the Brooklyn-based group releaasing a new EP every month of the year. Usually quality is sacrificed for
“All you do is cry, especially at night,” Ross Fish sings solemnly on “A349M”. It’s the only lyric in the song, which rides on the
Zach Schimpf produces easy-flowing pop that ranges from the fleeting guitar-led rock of "Movin' Right Along" to the warm, synth-led twinkles of the more