Port of Est impressed a few months back with their Valentines Day single, a consuming dark electro-pop track with hints of The Knife and Massive
The duo of Madison Rumpf and Robert Cleveland have been at it for around a year with their project Con Koan, whose upcoming Melánie EP
With “Fly”, Lights On Ceres sound as weightless as the song’s title would suggest. The Mexican duo of Alberto Espinosa and Pablo Zarate strike
The music of Wild Year conjures up imagery of California sunsets and endless summer days. This sonic imagery and the quintet’s synth-rock sound is
flowers de moon is a project that captures the sounds of the past few years in electronica and transforms it into their own mellow vibes.
It’s hardly surprising to see LA-based experimental pop artist Ramsey beginning to climb in popularity (her new track “2am” reached 100,000 plays in less
Flaunt’s track “Restraint” stood out last month for its chilling atmospheres, conjuring up its own vein of swamp-rock with multi-vocal layering and ominous synth pads.
Los Angeles indie-rock duo Loud Forest play to each other’s strengths, and this should come as no surprise; the band’s members, Rachel and Bernard
On first listen, “Waiting for the Rain” from New York-based singer-songwriter Half/Brother (aka Adam Kryzan) has a sense of innocence. But the past five
Sometimes two voices are better than one, as is the case with San Diego alt-rockers The Verigolds, a quartet that blends elements of several