Kaz Gamble – “Field Trip”

“Field Trip” is precisely that from an audible standpoint — a genre-traversing field trip from Boston-based Kaz Gamble, of indie-pop duo Gamble & Burke.

The Foxfires – “Reawakening”

Reawakening by The Foxfires Warm guitar jangles and a very steady rhythm section help comprise an inviting beginning to “Reawakening”, with the vocal emergence

Jaala – “Junior Spirit”

Melbourne band Jaala just released an unexpected new tune “Junior Spirit”, the first new music from them in 2016. Guitarist and singer-songwriter Cosima Jaala

Midnight Mystery Club – “Run”

Midnight Mystery Club’s recent release, “Run”, features an enthralling nocturnal vibe led by flickering synths and high-presence vocals, which remind me of anthemic Phil

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