
Stann Smith – “Hooligan”

Intense vocals, solemn piano trickles, and a squiggly synth line comprise the ominous build-up throughout “Hooligan”, a darkly infectious effort from rapper Stann Smith.


Olivia Grace – “Blackbird”

21-year-old indie-pop singer/songwriter Olivia Grace impresses mightily on new track “Blackbird”, where she shows a Fiona Apple-like lyrical and melodic playfulness. “‘Til the blackbird

Tender Glue – “Hope Street”

With hints of atmospheric distortion over soaring vocals and folk-laden acoustical build-ups, Tender Glue shows itself as a powerful project with new track “Hope


OMUMO – Sampler

I stumbled across this eclectic compilation of acts currently on Washington, DC-based independent label OMUMO, formed last year by multi-instrumentalist and producer Brad Atefi.

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