The lushly melodic “Slide Away” is a track released today from Max Helgemo, whose breezy vocal presence and tender guitar twangs lead an easy-listening
Gianna Alessi’s powerful, soulful vocal presence leads stellar new track “Night Mentality,” a suavely entrancing piece of R&B-laden pop with smooth guitars and twinkling
After impressing with “Cures, Diseases” last month, Detroit act Remnose have put out an equally engaging effort in “Greenland.” Twangy guitars establish a delectably
Southern California-based duo What About Sylvia impress throughout new EP Lucky You. The release’s self-titled track is particularly effective, with Krista Blairand’s melodic vocal
“Meso Life” is Burly Herd’s follow-up to last month’s excellent track “Betamax.” A more contemplative and lush showing from the London-based four-piece, “Meso Life”
Channeling a mellow dream-pop sound reminiscent of The Radio Dept., English five-piece Flashes impress with serene sounds and a twilight-friendly glow on new track
“Vacancies” is a jangly slice of dream-pop from Mirror Trash’s new EP, Reform (streaming below). The vocals assume a yearning, nocturnal presence as the
We’re happy to premiere Ritual, the new album from psych-pop act Timothy Eerie. The Orlando-grown group, active in the scene since 2015, have grown
“Cherish Everything” is a track from Look Vibrant’s forthcoming sophomore album of the same name. The Montreal-based act intrigue within the first minute, unveiling
Faces & Places by Similar Kind “Seasons” is a brisk and hooky track off Faces & Places, the debut EP from Similar Kind. The