The Elliots

The Elliots evade traditional Swedish pop stereotyping, exchanging key-led twinkles and exuberant string-soaked choruses for moody ambience. The strings and keys remain, as seem

Them Changes

Being billed as the UK’s answer to Kings of Leon immediately lumps a rather large weight on the shoulders of London trio Them Changes.

Southern All Stars

The most popular act of all-time (in a certain country) does not really coincide with what this site usually features, but Southern All Stars


The completely unknown Canopies will not remain elusive for long. That much is easy to predict when listening to “Rebels”, a track that is

Pete Lawrie

The first time I saw Pete Lawrie live, he toddled on stage nervously and, perched on the edge of it, said “I get a

Emanuel and the Fear

One cold New York City night in January 2009, I found myself in the back room of the Bowery Poetry Club, encircled by the

The Wandas

The crisp, jangly guitar-pop that The Wandas produce recalls the playful power-pop of Teenage Fanclub and Big Star. It is touched with a dose

Art Imperial

Like perhaps the most famous of surf-rock innovators (Brian Wilson), Arthur C. Imperial does not surf. Rather, the sights and sounds of witnessing the

About Group Start & Complete

About Group’s Start & Complete has flown somewhat under the radar. It is somewhat surprising considering both its quality and the fact it features

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