John Bustine fits the bill of a stereotypical folk artist. With a constant five o’ clock shadow and a head of hair that looks
With a name that sounds like an erroneously translated Japanese t-shirt, Why Twist the Hair is the latest innovation out of Boston. Consisting of
I would assume that the local music scene in Washington D.C. is filled with an abundant number of bands who view American patriotism as
If there is one thing that Christian McKee has down pat, it is his regard for influence. Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, and Nick Drake.
In an age where hip-shaking, provocative attire, and other sensuously superficial aspects unfortunately hold more merit in the music industry than actual talent or
While the creation of music appears to be the most vivid hobby among the four members of The Selfish Gene, the study of classic
Anonymity is a concept that many artists revel in. While it applies primarily in the form of authors like Thomas Pynchon or J.D. Salinger,
Cute. It is a four-letter word that has always irked me a bit. I am not sure why either; it is a perfectly legible
Over the past several years, my infatuation with music has exposed me to a variety of different cultures. I could care less if the