Hailer – “Digging Holes”

We last heard from Australian rockers Hailer in 2012 with excellent track “Spooky Clams“, which had glimpses of both Luke Haines’ hushed infectiousness and

Godhead – The Shadow Realigned

The hard-rock genre is plagued by many one-dimensional songwriters that prioritize abrasiveness and ferocity above all else, abandoning the notion of engaging songwriting as

Wye Oak – “The Tower”

I’ve really been enjoying Wye Oak’s upcoming album Shriek the past week; the Baltimore-based project previously known as Monarch really hits their stride with this release.

Evil Arrows – “Shadow Lovers”

Brooklyn-based songwriter Bryan Scary released one of the decade’s greatest psych-pop records in 2006 with The Shredding Tears, a highly charismatic record that stretched everywhere