AGENCY – “Evaporate”

“How much love can evaporate before I become a storm?” is asked poignantly during “Evaporate”, a chilling new track from mysterious act AGENCY that


Dorian Bay – “Dream”

Based out of Tallinn, Estonia, Dorian Bay is an emerging electronic/dance producer, whose debut single “Dream” dropped this month. An energetic and colorful synth-pop

Red Cabin – “Willow Tree”

“Willow Tree” is more fun power-pop goodness from Red Cabin, the solo project of Jonathan Foster that has impressed mightily already with “Evading“, “Patterns“,

Human Sadness – “Waste Away”

Waste Away by Human Sadness Human Sadness is the project of Australian singer/songwriter Kyle Burrows, who on new track “Waste Away” shows impressive atmospheric