Track Reviews: 4/27

Reviews of these new tracks: Son Lux's "Rising", Shabazz Palaces' "Are You… Can You… Were You? (Felt)", and John Maus' "Believer".

Mass Fiction

The role of a producer is often undesirable to many young musicians. The arrogance and pretentiousness among many in this niche leads them to

Lost in the Pancakes

Like many Elephant 6 acts, the solo project of Olivia Tremor Control keyboardist Peter Erchick has a mysterious enigma that is propelled by not

Cass McCombs – Wit’s End (2011)

Cass McCombs’ fifth full-length, Wit’s End, is a natural progression. His early material showcased an infatuation for intricately produced psych-rock, never becoming indulgent enough

HAL Return… Finally

HAL were featured on Obscure Sound over five years ago. They were under-exposed then, and remain so now. That HAL have not released anything

Groopease + The Salvadors

Regular readers know this by now: the aim of Obscure Sound is to expose quality artists that, for whatever reason, have yet to achieve

Silk Flowers

The subdued form of electronic-pop that NYC-based Silk Flowers pursue is a glittery cross between industrial ambience and chillwave. Behind their simplistic leads of