Listen: The Heroic Enthusiasts - "Jaded" -- Obscure Sound

The Heroic Enthusiasts – “Jaded”


An infectious, replay-inducing melding of new-wave and synth-rock enamors on “Jaded,” the new single from Rochester-based act The Heroic Enthusiasts. Noted producer Stephen Hague co-wrote and co-produced the release, forming a fantastic songwriting team alongside The Heroic Enthusiasts’ singer James Tabbi and guitarist Thomas Ferrara; the collaboration also caught our ears with the track “Wake Me When It’s Over” last year. A music video, directed by filmmaker Taylor Ballantyne, also released with the track.

“Let’s go out tonight,” the opening vocals entice amidst glistening synth pulses and moody guitar tones. “Forget about that story ending, we’ll go dancing round this jaded town,” they continue, stirring in its call to make the most of tonight — and escalating beautifully into a “we’re jaded with the whole charade,” hook; the starry-eyed synth tones and melodic guitar complements adorn enjoyably alongside. “Let’s break through the haze tonight!” signals an added synth-friendly effervescence, into another impactful central hook thereafter. It’s a resonating overall track from The Heroic Enthusiasts, ahead of their upcoming album, Illuminate.

“In the spring of 2023, Stephen Hague approached us with a song idea that he felt we might be interested in,” Ferrara says. “Once we heard his song sketch, we knew it would fit right into Illuminate’s musical lane. I told James we could make it ours, and as I dug into working on a pre-chorus and chorus, James dug into the lyrics. Stephen ran with us, and voila, ‘Jaded’ was born.”

Check out the track’s music video:

This and other tracks featured this month can be streamed on the updating Obscure Sound’s ‘Emerging Singles’ Spotify playlist.

We discovered this release via MusoSoup, as part of the artist’s promotional campaign.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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