Premiere: Horseshoes – “suite ossuary” + “drive”


Two singles out today from Utah-based artist Horseshoes showcase an enveloping, intimate vein of songwriting. The project of Austin Greaves compels with both “suite ossuary” and “drive,” unified in their explorations of new relationships at a crossroads. A textured blend of folk and rock, rousing in both impactful distortion and lush acoustic/key intertwining, reminds aesthetically of John Vanderslice.

“suite ossuary” unfolds with a lush entrancement, weaving hypnotic guitar layers with sounds resembling a swarm of birds taking flight. Serene acoustics and twinkling keys accompany a compelling vocal introspection. “It was me, and it was you,” they let out. This initial conveying of unity develops into a more stark realization, as one comes to terms with now navigating life as part of a new relationship. “We were young,” the vocals continue, furthering the past tense and sense of reflection on the necessity of moving beyond past tumult and into a present newness. A roaring swell of cathartic distortion arrives in the second half, as thematic ruminations on memory — and an unraveling sense of direction — build into a stirring finale with textured guitars and hazy, wordless vocal infusions.

The similarly captivating “drive” also analyzes a relationship in literal motion, as a couple embarks on a road trip. Urgings that “I will try,” complement a lyrical drive that stirs in its conversational feeling. Buoyant keys and sturdy acoustics linger beneath harmonious vocals as the “we’re going to the coast,” suaveness arises. The balmy visions of a fun road trip shifts into a more ardent self-analysis, with the “you had told me that I had gone too far,” and parking-lot desertion suggesting strife, and a mutual desire to find the other’s authentic self. Both “suite ossuary” and “drive” are fantastic pieces of songwriting that have us fully anticipating Horseshoes’ upcoming album, also titled suite ossuary, out this spring,

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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