New Album: Train Traffic - 'Train Traffic' -- Obscure Sound

Train Traffic – ‘Train Traffic’

Brooklyn-based rockers Train Traffic unleash a fervent punk and rock intertwining on their self-titled debut album. “This album is our love letter to New York City’s subway system and the dark stories that come with it,” says Gabby McGowan, the band’s lead vocalist. “It’s grimy, it’s loud, it’s Third Rail Punk.” The band, heralded for their live performances, thoroughly impress here in studio form as well.

“Sit Down, Shut Up” opens the album with invigorating passion, imploring a title-touting declaration amidst “I want to chop off your head,” scathing lyricism. The shout-y vocals and thrashing guitar tones conjure a contagious punk and indie-rock intertwining, reminding fondly of Love Is All. The ensuing “Weed Wacker” rides on a heavier bass pulse initially, launching thereafter into a swift rock arsenal as the vocals proclaim belonging in the gutter, trash cans, and darker crevices in general. “Throw me in the garage, let me rot in the gutter,” they proclaim, continue to enthrall with grimy descriptors and a delectably raucous aesthetic.

The album’s highlights continue throughout. “Rat Queen” is amongst the album’s most infectious, centering around a peppy multi-vocal hook that builds into debonair guitar lines. “Crawling on my thighs, gnawing out my eyes,” the exuberant central hook lets out, declaring “I am the rat queen!” to finish, in a lovable ode to NYC’s subway system. “I like it, I want it, I need it, I hate it,” feverish vocals exude on another standout in “Every Bone,” while the finale “Train Traffic” wraps it all up in satiating form with anticipatory lyrical intrigue. “Stand clear of the closing doors, please!” they continue, reaffirming the NYC subway themes within a brisk, impassioned rock production.

“Rat Queen” and other tracks featured this month can be streamed on the updating Obscure Sound’s ‘Emerging Singles’ Spotify playlist.

We discovered this release via MusoSoup, as part of the artist’s promotional campaign.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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