The Polychromatics – “Highway” + “In Caeru Leo”


Philadelphia-based band The Polychromatics conjure a winning combo of moody psych-rock and ardent alternative on their new EP, In Caeru Leo. All five tracks shine, and their strong songwriting is on particularly strong display with the self-titled track and “Highway.” The latter opens with twangy guitars and throbbing synth intrigue, moving seamlessly into a rousing vocal lead that moves with quivering intensity alongside steady guitars. “You’ll never catch me on the highway,” the vocals let out, traversing across a spirited tonal blend of Americana and alt-rock nostalgia.

The EP’s track is another standout. “In Caeru Leo” flexes the band’s atmospheric muscles, melding starry-eyed synth textures and subtle guitars into a swampy rock vigor. Fierce vocal captivation prevails throughout, soaring cohesively as the guitar work embraces a psychedelic free-flowing passion throughout the second half. The EP is a fully recommended listening experience. Stream these tracks and the rest of the release, below:

These and other tracks featured this month can be streamed on the updating Obscure Sound’s ‘Emerging Singles’ Spotify playlist.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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