Listen: BONG-747 - "The Big Fish (for David Lynch)"

BONG-747 – “The Big Fish (for David Lynch)”


An atmospheric electronic sound captivates across BONG-747‘s “The Big Fish (for David Lynch),” a memorable tribute to the late director and overall artistic visionary. Best known in film, Lynch also inspired across various realms — from heady music albums to his thoughts on transcendental meditation. Since Lynch’s passing, a lofty number of previous collaborators have described him as an incomparable point of inspiration; Laura Dern, in a letter, noted that “I found my person in you.” Few artists have left as big of an imprint as David Lynch, for certain.

Cyprus-based producer BONG-747 consumes with an audio/visual presentation here, that captures Lynch’s more approachable charms as well as his beautiful idiosyncrasies. The visual accompaniment sports a vintage television screen, a traversing bus, and a fish overhead — in what resembles a Twin Peaks Pacific Northwest setting. Musically, a nocturnal synth-forward engrossment takes hold, complemented by Lynch’s spoken-word intrigue — philosophical and introspective. “The more upbeat, yet dreamy tone aims to resonate with the times when David came into focus for bigger audiences and that special fuel that he seemed to possess and share with fellow human beings,” BONG-747 explains.

The track was originally part of a bigger project, based on writers and their works. Lynch’s passing prompted BONG-747 to release the track on its own. “It’s hard to comprehend David’s true impact on our civilisation – people are yet to understand the amount of gravitational pool this star (for real) imposed on minds and visions,” BONG-747 says.

This and other tracks can be streamed on the updating Obscure Sound’s ‘Emerging Electronic’ Spotify playlist.

We discovered this release via MusoSoup, as part of the artist’s promotional campaign.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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