A dreamy, heartfelt success from Someone Called Sarah, “Lesson” achieves a gripping retrospection in its depictions of falling in love — and exploring how “starting over,” can be daunting though necessary when that adoration is unrequited. The Portland, Oregon-based artist melds trickling guitars and faint backing keys, within vocal insights that explore how a lack of reciprocation can be especially heartbreaking — ultimately leading into the “if loving you’s a lesson that I may never learn,” acknowledgement.
“A year ago, I was falling for you just like powdered snow,” the solemn vocals let out initially, with the “never know,” remarking firmly establishing the lack of mutual adoration. The vocals escalate with emotion as the guitar maintain a serenely powerful pace. “Find myself reaching out into the dark,” signals a powerfully soaring vocal coming-to-terms, arriving into a satiating conclusion thereafter. “Lesson” is a moving success from Someone Called Sarah, amongst the many highlights on the artist’s full-length album Summer Snow Globe, streaming below:
This and other tracks featured this month can be streamed on the updating Obscure Sound’s ‘Emerging Singles’ Spotify playlist.
We discovered this release via MusoSoup, as part of the artist’s promotional campaign.