Moez Masoud – “Here to Stay”

A powerful sound emanates within “Here to Stay,” a recent single from Moez Masoud, an artist based in Cairo, Egypt. The release is dedicated to the children of Palestine and Lebanon, suffering from oppression and war despite their innocence. “The blood on your hands, it won’t wash away,” his vocals proclaim at one point, arising into a defiant “I’m here to stay,” resonance. The activist, philosopher, filmmaker, and thought leader produces a sound that’s timely and impactful, also bolstered by a music video that has accumulated 10+ million views across various platforms.

Solemn acoustics and haunting, glimmering keys complement a poetic lyrical prowess. “You are a slave to your greed,” the vocals proclaim, culminating in the “you’ve forgotten what it means to be human,” emotiveness. The ensuing title-touting, determined ardency sends chills as the percussion rises alongside soaring guitar tones, which fade as the verses return. “The world has now opened its eyes,” is especially stirring, referencing atrocities captured in news and on film, as innocents become victim to cruel warfare. “Here to Stay” is a poignant, resonating showcase in songwriting from Moez Masoud.

This and other tracks featured this month can be streamed on the updating Obscure Sound’s ‘Emerging Singles’ Spotify playlist.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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