Mortal Prophets – ‘ICNCLST/’ EP

NYC-based project Mortal Prophets continues a fantastic, prolific 2024 with the 7-song EP ICNCLST/. Alongside previously featured releases like the Sleeping In My Bed and Brian Eno In Heaven EPs, in addition to the HANUSSEN: The Enigmatic Clairvoyant full-length, Mortal Prophets continue to churn out a dynamic and consistently melodic sound.

Led by John Beckmann, Mortal Prophets casts a diverse spell throughout the EP — spanning from the autumnal, organ-laden foreboding of “Bang Bang” to the hypnotic rock sound within “Flowers For You,” resembling ’80s-era Bowie crossed with post-punk introspection. A more minimalist, spooky intrigue takes hold on “Who’s That Girl,” melding a quivering baritone vocal tone amidst its NYC-centric references. “I wonder where he’s going to take her for dinner,” the vocals intertwine with a title-touting questioning, crafting a late-night tale with an eerie demeanor.

Another standout, “Like the Night” melds brass and twinkling keys for an intoxicating standout, with shades of Roxy Music; it’s a beautiful success on an EP filled with gripping ’80s nostalgia and narrative-forward mystique — continuing a stunning year of quality and productivity so far from Mortal Prophets.

The ICNCLST/’ EP features production by David Sisko, mastering by Mike Tucci, and additional guitar work from Gerald Menke (The Dixons, Dent May).

We discovered this release via MusoSoup, as part of the artist’s promotional campaign.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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