Kuda – ’52 BLUE’ EP

A meditative, melodic hip-hop sound engages throughout 52 BLUE, a new EP from Kuda. Introspective themes of self-discovery are apparent within conveyances of experiencing loneliness; the EP title poignantly takes its name from a whale who communicated at a frequency not understood by other whales. “The songs on this EP represent the duality of my life, my lonely and pained inner world vs. my exterior,” the artist explains.

Opening track “Lift Off” weaves confident vocal strides amidst lush synth pulses, ruminating on first-impression judgments and “expensive tastes,” into percussive steadiness that weaves in and out. “Get Hiya” follows with a twinkling intrigue, enthralling in its lyrical wit — and referencing a truly memorable NFL moment in the squabble between Andre Johnson and Cortland Finnegan, as a witty diss. Personality and serenely melodic charm intertwine on this success.

The EP impresses across its fine tracks, exploring move-making and perseverance on the atmospherically nocturnal “It Ain’t No Gift,” and personal changes amidst glistening synth assortments on “Roll Da Dice.” EP finale “Nothin2Lose” is especially serene, reminding fondly of Frank Ocean in its oceanic synth atmospherics, angelic backing vocals, and subdued lead pace. 52 BLUE is an impressive display in soundscapes, artful lyrical appeal, and melodic vocal savvy from Kuda.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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