Dead October – ‘Mirrors’

A riveting rock album with eclectic tonal range, Mirrors comes via the band Dead October, based in Towson, Maryland. Citing influences like Pink Floyd and Smashing Pumpkins, Dead October also compel in their thematic songwriting — which on this album is described as focusing “on the point of life in which adolescence comes to an end, and reflection on past experiences gives inspiration for the future.”

Following the dreamily intriguing introduction, Mirrors kicks into gear with “Old Beginnings.” The riveting track weaves hypnotic guitars and calming rhythms upon stirring vocal admissions: “I don’t see the color red like I used to.” A spine-tingling brass tone emerges with seamless immersion alongside piano twinkles; the track’s atmospheric spell is strong, and provides listeners an enthralling example of what to anticipate from Dead October — namely, a melodic yet hypnotic rock sound steeped in an enjoyably tactful structural unfolding.

A multitude of highlights show throughout Mirrors, ranging from the crisp folk beauty of “Waking” to the fervent rock propulsions on “Keep.” The band’s dynamic hold is strong throughout, not letting up in impressing through a range of sounds — both mellow and ardent. Mirrors is a decisive success.

This and other tracks featured this month can be streamed on the updating Obscure Sound’s ‘Emerging Singles’ Spotify playlist.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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