#NAME? – “Ambient2”


A spaciously enveloping soundscape lingers on “Ambient2,” the introductory foray into ambient music from #NAME?. The Nottingham, UK-based project embraces a patiently unfolding atmosphere within, taking particular inspiration from Brian Eno’s Music for Airports. Despite no prior experimence in the field of ambient music, the project excels in embracing the beauty of ambient works — and especially its contemplative, delicately unveiling charms.

A soft whirring effect takes hold initially, complemented by glistening doses of synth-y lushness. Gentle trickling reflects past the one-minute turn, as caressing layers descend tonally prior to the mid-point’s sporadic glimmering. A touch of spacey, ominous intrigue shows thereafter, as the four-minute mark approaches and culminates in a serenely throbbing pulse. “Ambient2” is a thorough success from #NAME?.

The track is also featured in the genre-based, best-of Spotify compilation Obscure Ambient.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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