Mountain Thief – “Long Lost”


A riveting folk success from Nashville-based artist Mountain Thief, “Long Lost” melds haunting vocals and trickling guitars with a narratively gripping allure. The release comes alongside a self-directed video, which was shot in a single take. “Lying awake, ceiling it shakes,” the lyrics set a contemplative tone, concocting a vision of deep contemplation as one glances above — met with a sense of unease. A reference to “dreams that are long dead,” signals the entry of a subtle, sporadic percussive element as a ghostlier textural simmering weaves in.

The steadily hypnotic guitar trickling pairs beautifully with evident lyrical yearning for calmer waters, met in the finale by twinkling keys that ease in cohesively alongside the constant guitars. The artist’s solemnly emotive vocals retain a tonal consistency that showcases mood and thematic intimacy. In both its memorable production and accompanying video, “Long Lost” is a thorough achievement from Mountain Thief.

The track is also featured in the genre-based, best-of Spotify compilation Emerging Indie Folk.

We discovered this release via MusoSoup, as part of the artist’s promotional campaign.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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