Kid Lightbulbs – ‘STEP INTO THE OCEAN’

The new album from Massachusetts-based artist Kid Lightbulbs, STEP INTO THE OCEAN invigorates with its conceptual aim and aesthetical swells — melding ’90s alternative, prog-rock, shoegaze, and synth-pop.

The concept album chronicles the relationship between the artist and their partner, growing in complexity. It’s a natural thematic follow-up to the debut album THROW MYSELF INTO THE BAY, which captured “a privileged man in his 30s not handling a string of life-changing events well at all.” Conversely, this latest album is more reflective, finding one ruminate on “what’s most important around him — including his own thoughts,” per the artist.

Standout opening track “she’s too good for me” begins with a subdued yet atmospheric immersion. Sporadic piano and forlorn vocals build alongside steady vocals and a wordless background haunting. The second half expands with fervent captivation, infusing electric guitars, thumping percussion, and soaring vocal escalations. The track’s title, and “doesn’t know,” refrain, exudes a sense of insecurity — though also undying appreciation for another’s presence, and their vitalness in sustaining self-worth.

The highlights extend onward, including “curiosity” — where pit-pattering percussion, elegant piano, and nocturnal guitar tones complement introspective vocals that strive not to “think too much about it.” Twinkling keys adorn the similarly successful “ritual,” while “forget everything” closes the release with an eerily enveloping progression from industrial intrigue to a “I dragged you down,” catharsis. STEP INTO THE OCEAN is a resonating success from Kid Lightbulbs.

“she’s too good for me” and other tracks featured this month can be streamed on the updating Obscure Sound’s ‘Emerging Singles’ Spotify playlist.

We discovered this release via MusoSoup, as part of the artist’s promotional campaign.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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