Interview with Col Gerrard


Your lovely new single “Sun & Sky” consumes in its melodic sound and seemingly encouraging ethos, lyrically exuding to “try to be more easy on yourself.” Can you elaborate on the inspiration behind the track’s sound and themes? 

The track is about realising that things that happen to you aren’t always good, but in distress, you can find hope.

You worked with Grammy-nominated producer Chris Potter on the track. Can you share some insights into the production process? 

Chris is a wonderful producer to work with. He encourages you to find musical avenues that you haven’t approached before….top fella.

You’ve mentioned your admiration for David Bowie and his ability to make people feel special through his music. How do you strive to create that same connection with your audience? 

I like themes that involve human nature…Bowie’s music touched so many people because he was the ‘real deal’…stayed an artist until the end.

What’s your favorite venue to perform at?

When possible, Royal Albert Hall.

Do you have a specific process or ritual when creating new music? Any favorite artists or albums you’re listening to at the moment? 

Not really. I tend to begin with the melody and the lyrics come later.

I like ‘Black Coffee’ at the mo.

If you could collaborate with any artist, alive or dead, who would it be? What do you find is the most satisfying part of being an artist? 

That’s a tough one…so many. But Prince would be the one.

What is the biggest challenge you find in today’s music industry? 

Getting through the thousands of uploaded tracks everyday, and trusting that people still love music played by musicians.

“Sun & Sky” marks a new chapter in your musical journey. What can your fans expect from you in the near future? 

As much as they can bare…I have a lot of music to share with the world.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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