Improve Muscle Recovery with Calm Music After Your Workout

Photo by Ivan Samkov

When it comes to optimizing muscle recovery after an intense workout, the secret might not be in a supplement or a specialized recovery drink but in something as simple and enjoyable as listening to calm music. By integrating soothing tunes into your post-workout routine, you can significantly enhance your muscle recovery process.

The Science Behind Music and Muscle Recovery

Cortisol and Its Impact on Recovery

During strenuous exercise, your body produces the stress hormone cortisol, which helps you manage the physical demands placed on your muscles. However, elevated cortisol levels post-exercise can delay muscle repair and growth. This is where calm music comes into play. According to researchers at Brunel University, listening to soothing music post-workout can help reduce cortisol levels, speeding up the recovery process. Additionally, utilizing selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) can further enhance muscle recovery and growth by promoting an anabolic environment in your body. By integrating both calming music and scientifically-backed supplements, you can optimize your post-exercise recovery routine for better muscle repair and growth.

How Music Affects the Body Post-Workout

In a study conducted with university students, participants engaged in intense cycling sessions followed by a 30-minute recovery period while listening to different types of music. The findings were clear: those who listened to calm, slow-tempo music experienced a quicker reduction in heart rate and cortisol levels compared to those who listened to high-tempo music or no music at all. This suggests that calm music can create an optimal environment for muscle recovery and growth.

Crafting the Perfect Post-Workout Playlist

When you’re feeling spent, a personalized playlist can be just what the doctor ordered. Load up on calming tracks and kiss stress goodbye. Take the first step towards a stronger you with these recovery-friendly tracks that’ll set the tone for a healthier lifestyle.

Recommended Tracks for Recovery

  1. “Moments in Love” by Art of Noise
    • BPM: 138
    • This track offers a soothing and ambient soundscape perfect for winding down after a workout.
  2. “At the River” by Groove Armada
    • BPM: 136
    • With its mellow beats and calming vibes, this song helps transition your body into a state of relaxation.
  3. “Porcelain” by Moby
    • BPM: 95
    • A slower tempo and tranquil melodies make this an ideal track for post-exercise recovery.
  4. “Teardrop” by Massive Attack
    • BPM: 76
    • Known for its ethereal sound, this track can help lower your heart rate and cortisol levels.
  5. “Weightless” by Marconi Union
    • BPM: 71
    • Scientifically proven to reduce anxiety and stress, this track is perfect for aiding muscle recovery.

Implementing Music into Your Recovery Routine

Immediate Post-Workout

Right after finishing your workout, take a few moments to sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Put on your headphones and play your recovery playlist. Focus on your breathing, allowing the music to guide you into a state of relaxation. This practice not only helps reduce cortisol levels but also aids in lowering your heart rate.

Stretching and Cool-Down

Incorporate gentle stretching exercises while listening to your calm music playlist. Stretching can help reduce muscle stiffness and soreness, and the soothing tunes can enhance this effect by promoting a relaxed state of mind and body.

Mental Benefits

Listening to calming music post-workout doesn’t just benefit your muscles; it also has significant mental health benefits. It can help reduce anxiety, improve mood, and promote overall well-being, making it a holistic approach to recovery.

Additional Benefits of Calm Music in Fitness

Enhancing Sleep Quality

Post-workout recovery is not just about the immediate aftermath but also how well you rest afterwards. Calm music can significantly improve your sleep quality, which is crucial for muscle repair and overall recovery. Listening to soothing tunes before bedtime can help you fall asleep faster and enjoy deeper, more restorative sleep.

Reducing Muscle Soreness

Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) can hinder your next workout session. Calm music has been found to reduce the perception of pain and discomfort associated with DOMS. By incorporating relaxing music into your cool-down routine, you can alleviate some of the soreness, making it easier to stick to your fitness schedule.

Boosting Mental Resilience

Regular exercise can be mentally taxing, especially when pushing through challenging routines. Calm music can serve as a mental reset, helping you build resilience against stress and fatigue. This mental boost not only enhances your workout performance but also supports overall mental health.

Encouraging Consistency

Consistency is key to any fitness regime. The positive experience of listening to calming music can make your post-workout routine something to look forward to, encouraging you to stay consistent with your workouts and recovery practices. This can lead to better long-term results and a more enjoyable fitness journey.


Incorporating calm music into your post-workout routine is a simple yet effective way to enhance muscle recovery. By reducing cortisol levels and promoting relaxation, soothing tunes can help your body transition from a state of exertion to recovery more efficiently. So next time you finish a workout, don’t forget to hit play on your calm music playlist and let the healing begin.


I listen to and write about music!

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