Ignacio Wer – ‘Much A Time In Ache’ EP

Serene ambient and affecting folk intertwine on Much A Time In Ache, a new EP from Ignacio Wer. Based in Berlin since 2019, Wer crafts atmosphere-rich productions across these three tracks, expanding with delicate precision. Opener “Yonder Fades The Silence” shows as such, with glimmering textural momentum aligning with hypnotic clanking for an immersive impact. A stronger tonal effervescence takes hold at the mid-point, before a tranquil conclusion; it’s a memorable kickoff to this stellar EP.

“The Snow And The Ocean” follows with a pit-pattering intrigue. Sporadic synths and slight brightness build patiently into a lovely second half, with effervescent plucks and an overall meditative charm. The concluding title track rides initially on a heartbeat-like pulse, gradually expanding into a gorgeous folk sound with harmonious vocals; it’s quite a stylistic switch-up from the first two ambient tracks, though proves equally compelling, and showcases Wer’s versatility between ambient atmospherics and nostalgic folk. Much A Time In Ache is a strongly memorable EP.

“Yonder Fades The Silence” and other tracks can be streamed on the updating Obscure Sound’s ‘Obscure Ambient’ Spotify playlist.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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