Icarus Phoenix – “Doctor! Doctor!”


A single and video out today from Icarus Phoenix, “Doctor! Doctor!” emphasizes the power of resilience amidst tumult. Lush acoustics and string-laden flourishes complement Drew Danburry’s introspective vocals, admitting “we all work until we die, ain’t no time to enjoy life anyways,” in the lyrical narrative — where one speaks with a doctor, concerning whether it’s worth it to keep going. “The doctor told me that my son still needs his dad,” a particularly affecting sequence begins. “I’m not a paycheck, I’m a man with a voice.”

The beautifully melodic sound and moving lyrical prowess result in another success from Icarus Phoenix. The track precedes upcoming album I Should Have Known the Things You Never Said, out on August 15th.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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