Cliff & Susan – “Into the Mystic”

Capturing the beautiful songwriting within Van Morrison’s “Into the Mystic,” alongside an added country twang, Cliff & Susan do the classic song justice with their tasteful cover. The married duo — based in Little Rock, Arkansas — recorded the track at the prolific FAME Recording Studios in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. “We’ve always held ‘Into the Mystic’ close to our hearts and received fantastic feedback when performing it live,” Cliff explains. Susan adds that the track’s aim “was to honor the spirit of Van Morrison’s original while infusing it with our unique style and emotion.” Mission accomplished, certainly.

The cover showcases the duo’s beautifully corresponding musical talents — with Cliff’s powerful lead and soulful guitar work complementing Susan’s harmonious backing vocals and shimmering Wurlitzer. Traversals of sailing “into the mystic,” and the scent of the sea is artfully conveyed within warming guitar tones, flourishing as the “foghorn blows,” and the Wurlitzer additions enamor and Susan’s backing vocal harmonious inject a charismatic fervency. Cliff & Susan craft a memorable rendition of the Van Morrison classic with this release.

We discovered this release via MusoSoup, as part of the artist’s promotional campaign.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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