Baby Said – ‘Who Gives A Rock’ EP

Portsmouth, UK-based act Baby Said excel with an invigorating blend of rock and pop, evident throughout their Who Gives A Rock EP. Formed by sisters Veronica and Jess, Baby Said was recently rounded out by Holly Knowles (rhythm and BV’s) and Maddie Hackett (drums).

“Panic Attack” opens the EP with immersive intrigue. A bass-y pulse complements a lush vocal entrancement. “Put me down so low, can’t catch my breath,” they lament, accelerating into melodic guitar accompaniments into the “my heart keeps beating,” fervency. The title-touting, anthemic hook invigorates following the visceral recollections of a panic attack, setting the EP into strong motion.

The three other tracks continue the impressive songwriting and production. “Mouth Shut” strives to find a “deeper meaning,” as bass-driven momentum arrives into the impassioned rock ardency within the “keep your mouth shut!” proclamation. “You Killed It” captures one’s high peaks and crashing descents, exhilarating into the “high as a cloud,” hook. A confident rock styling shows on the finale “Fight,” closing out this fantastic EP with a “we don’t run from a fight!” vigor.

“Panic Attack” and other tracks featured this month can be streamed on the updating Obscure Sound’s ‘Emerging Singles’ Spotify playlist.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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