The Buddyrevelles – ‘The Consolation’ EP

A melodic rock drive enamors throughout The Consolation, an enveloping new EP from The Buddyrevelles. The project formed in 1997 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Their debut album released the next year, and now in 2024 they’re continuing to showcase a tendency for hooky rock immediacy with introspective, atmospheric flourishes in the production. The Consolation represents the first of three four-song EPs from The Buddyrevelles.

“Abracadabracus” is an apt kickoff, quickly displaying the project’s tendencies for dynamic tonal swells. Warming bass pulses and plucky guitars drive into a questioning vocal plea — “shouldn’t we always trust each other when the stakes are so incredibly high?” — that resonates in its halted percussive momentum. “Music Crisis Midlife” is another charmer, with brass infusions and jangling guitars presenting a comfortably harmonious sound. EP finale “Locked in, Loaded” is a briskly infectious send-off, wrapping up The Consolation in satiating, hook-filled form.

We discovered this release via MusoSoup, as part of the artist’s promotional campaign.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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