PsiloMine Sun – “Fall Back”


The debut single from newly formed trio PsiloMine Sun, “Fall Back” consumes with a meditative electro-folk immersion. With roots in the Chicago music scene, the three (anonymous) members explore a heady atmospheric realm within, self-described as “music for psychedelic therapy and beyond.”

Specifically, their music was created in response to personal loss, that of the artist’s late mother. They explain: “Through PsiloMine Sun, I hope to provide solace for those navigating the challenging terrains of grief, depression, and anxiety. Music has always been a refuge for me, and I aim to offer the same comfort to others through this project.”

Representing the first single from the project’s upcoming album Instrumentality, “Fall Back” evolves with delicate precision from comforting acoustic twangs into glimmering synth fragments. A melancholic, reverbed vocal emergence lends a caressing engrossment, admitting they “can’t look away,” and face a sort of retreat, reflected in the track’s title. Ruminations on hesitation, and seemingly lingering on the past, prove impactful alongside the trickling array of guitars string-laden hints in the second half. “Fall Back” is a powerful debut from PsiloMine Sun.

This and other tracks featured this month can be streamed on the updating Obscure Sound’s ‘Emerging Singles’ Spotify playlist.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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