Cherylann Hawk – “Love & Gratitude”


“All you need is some love and some gratitude,” Cherylann Hawk sings alongside twangy guitars and balmy acoustics on the inviting single “Love & Gratitude,” encouraging others to take “some time to unwind.” The Pittsburgh-based singer/songwriter has been a heralded act around the area for the past 25 years, with three full-lengths and multiple singles; “Love & Gratitude” is exemplary of her tendency to produce relatable, encouraging songs with memorably melodic drives.

Hawk wrote the track during a personal period of striving to find gratitude in everything around. The song was originally written for a friend of Hawk’s, who had moved to Nashville to work for a record company. They reached out to Hawk, to provide a song for that artist. While that artist eventually moved on from Nashville, Hawk was left with a fantastic song in “Love & Gratitude,” which she ultimately released herself. “This call happened during a time when I had begun to practice finding gratitude in everything I encountered, so I decided to write a country song,” Hawk explains. “The Beatles said ‘All You Need is Love,’ and I decided to add a little gratitude to that statement.”

We discovered this release via MusoSoup, as part of the artist’s promotional campaign.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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